
Hello, Juniors and Parents,

BCRU will return with the research group that is studying how to prevent, recognize, manage, and treat concussions in youth. Attached is a lot of information for your to review on the study and its purpose. The research group will be set up fieldside this Sept 5 from 4-7 pm to answer questions about the research and how to sign up. This is a completely voluntary study.

Bayside is again recommending participation in this study.

What is the research?

SHRed Concussions is a pan-Canadian study involving athletes from across the country, and Researchers at the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit (BCIRPU), BC Children’s Hospital, and the University of Calgary are looking to learn more about concussion injuries among high school students who play higher-risk sports.

As you know, there are numerous health and social benefits for youth who participate in sports.  However, there is also an inherent chance of getting injured, and one of the injuries that can happen is a concussion. Most youth recover, but some continue to have symptoms that persist for a long period of time. Symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fogginess, sleep problems, and emotional distress can make it difficult for youth to return to school and sports.

Researchers at BCIRPU and the University of British Columbia will help gather information from high school athletes (ages 13-17) to improve the ways in which concussions among young athletes can be prevented, recognized, managed, and treated.

How do I participate in this study?

Researchers will attend training sessions on Sept 5 from 4-7 pm to complete baseline assessments with all players who wish to participate. Baseline assessments will include:

  • Fitness measures,
  • SCAT-5,
  • Height and weight, and
  • An optional blood draw.

This is expected to take 15-20 minutes per player. Following this, SHRed players will be asked to track their participation in their games/practices every week. To participate in this study please contact to complete consent and register.

Benefits for Players

If a participant does get a concussion during the study period, they will be assessed by a study team doctor, who specializes in sports-related concussions, within 72 hours of their injury. They will also repeat some of the same tests they completed at baseline. The participant may also be invited to do an optional blood draw and/or MRI scan.


To participate in this study please request more information at or email

To learn more about this study, researchers will be attending sessions on Sept 5 from  4-7 pm,Participation in SHRed Concussions is completely voluntary. For more information about the study please respond directly to this email or call the Study Coordinator, Dr. Shazya Karmali, at (604) 875-2000 x 5478 or email (

Ethical Approval

This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the University of British Columbia’s Research Ethics Board (H19-00037). If you have questions for the Board, you may contact the University of British Columbia Office of Research Ethics by e-mail at or by phone at 604-822-8598 (Toll Free: 1-877-822-8598). For all study-related questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Bayside RFC, on behalf of

Dr. Shazya Karmali, PhDResearch Manager | BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit4480 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC V6H 875-2000 x5478