Bayside Mini-Rugby Goal

To offer the kindergarten to grade six Girls and Boys of South Surrey the opportunity to play a fast-flowing and exciting brand of rugby in a fun and safe environment.  Bayside Mini Rugby provides your child with the platform to maximize their potential as a rugby player whilst enhancing their overall athletic development to benefit all their other sports.

  • U6 - Kindergarten (Flag)
  • U8 - Grades 1-2 (Flag)
  • U10 - Grades 3-4 (Flag)
  • U12 - Grades 5-6 (Intro to contact)
Mini Director - Kaj Briscoe

Spring Practice and Game Schedule

  • Practice
    • U6 - Feb through May - Tues 630pm - 730pm starting Feb 6th
    • U8 - Feb through May - Tues 630pm - 730pm starting Feb 4th
    • U10 - Feb through May - Tues  630pm - 730pm starting Feb 4th
    • U12 - Feb through May -  Tues and Thurs 630pm - 730pm starting Jan 21st
  • Games
    • U6, U8, U10 Sundays 10 am - 11am
    • U12s see Teamsnap

Registration instructions:

  1. Click the Registration Link  to begin the process.
  2. Select the appropriate category based on your child’s birth year. (Note: Birth year will determine the correct category, so register according to that, not the team your child may be placed on by the coaches.)
  3. For Province, choose “BC” from the drop-down menu.
  4. For Club, select “Bayside RFC”.
  5. Choose the relevant Age Category(s) you are registering for.
  6. Press the “Register” button at the bottom of the page.
  7. Follow the on-screen prompts:
    1. If you are a returning Bayside member, log in to your existing account.
    2. If you are new to Bayside, create a new account.
  8. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email once the process is completed successfully.


Bayside cancellation policy