Bayside Mini-Rugby Goal
To offer the kindergarten to grade six Girls and Boys of South Surrey the opportunity to play a fast-flowing and exciting brand of rugby in a fun and safe environment. Bayside Mini Rugby provides your child with the platform to maximize their potential as a rugby player whilst enhancing their overall athletic development to benefit all their other sports.
- U6 - Kindergarten (Flag)
- U8 - Grades 1-2 (Flag)
- U10 - Grades 3-4 (Flag)
- U12 - Grades 5-6 (Intro to contact)
Mini Director - Kaj Briscoe
Spring Practice and Game Schedule
- Practice
- U6 - Feb through May - Tues 630pm - 730pm starting Feb 6th
- U8 - Feb through May - Tues 630pm - 730pm starting Feb 4th
- U10 - Feb through May - Tues 630pm - 730pm starting Feb 4th
- U12 - Feb through May - Tues and Thurs 630pm - 730pm starting Jan 21st
- Games
- U6, U8, U10 Sundays 10 am - 11am
- U12s see Teamsnap
Registration instructions:
- Click the Registration Link to begin the process.
- Select the appropriate category based on your child’s birth year. (Note: Birth year will determine the correct category, so register according to that, not the team your child may be placed on by the coaches.)
- For Province, choose “BC” from the drop-down menu.
- For Club, select “Bayside RFC”.
- Choose the relevant Age Category(s) you are registering for.
- Press the “Register” button at the bottom of the page.
- Follow the on-screen prompts:
- If you are a returning Bayside member, log in to your existing account.
- If you are new to Bayside, create a new account.
- After registration, you will receive a confirmation email once the process is completed successfully.