The City of Surrey has identified an appropriate architect, Thinkspace Architecture, for the Bayside Athletic Association Field House. Thinkspace Architecture also has a team of sub-consultants available to work on the project. Thinkspace Architecture is now in the process of drafting the detailed design (blueprints) of the field house. The City’s Planning and Development Manger has explained the construction of the field house is expected to begin in September 2015 and is expected to be completed in April 2016. A development and planning sign should be installed at the construction site any day.

I have requested the City of Surrey Planning and Development Manager and Thinkspace Architecture meet with the Bayside Athletic Association members and supporters. An information meeting to review the construction process has been scheduled for 6:00pm July 6, 2015 at the Rotary Field House in South Surrey Athletic Park. If you have ever inquired about the status of the Bayside Athletic Association Field House it is highly recommended that you attend this meeting. Please notify and ensure any supporters of our home and community project attend.

Posted in Juniors, Mens, Over 40's, Schools, Sponsors, Touch League, Uncategorized, Womens.